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Citizen Rosi

Didi Gnocchi, Carolina Rosi

Italy, 2019, 130'


The documentary is a journey into the civil cinema of Francesco Rosi, or Citizen Rosi, as he liked to call himself, whose films are still considered among the most lucid analyses of the history of Italy. His daughter Carolina accompanies us on this journey and it is Rosi himself, through fragments of interviews, to give meaning and intensity to his cinema. Francesco Rosi invented a new narrative style for a type of cinema that did not exist before him. His films arose from research and inquiries on the country's reality: he worked on documents, on "what was known". He discussed the "power" that corrupts and is corrupted when mixed with crime. The story unfolds through his films lined up not in the order in which they were shot, but based on the historical importance of the events they retrace.

Original Title
Citizen Rosi
Original language
Italian, English, French
English, French, Spanish, Italian CC
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